We recommend that you append documents using the Submission Workflow Settings. The following article shows an alternate method which is less customise-able from a form perspective, but possibly more standardised from a template perspective.
To append a second document to the end of the main document you are assembling, including the following mergefield in the first document:
{ MERGEFIELD Append \Append "http://sample.docx" }
This append mergefield can be placed anywhere in the main document. So you can include this statement somewhere handy, for example, in some conditional content that also relates to the secondary document.
You can include multiple append statements in the one main document. The secondary documents will be appended in the order in which the append statements are included in the main document.
For example, if you wanted to add another document to the end of your main document when Field_yn is true, you would include the following content in the main document:
{ MERGEFIELD IfStart:A Field_yn = 'true' } { MERGEFIELD Append \Append "http://sample.docx/" } { MERGEFIELD IfEnd:A }
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