To access the user management pages you need to navigate to Administration > Users.
Users are people who can login to your client portal and perform some activities based on their permissions.
A user can have zero or more roles. If a user has more than one role, they inherit the permissions of all those roles.
You also have the ability to set user-specific permissions. A user specific permission setting overrides role settings.
Creating a New User
Adding users is easy, click on + Create New User and complete the Create New User page, which includes; User Information, Entity Information (optional), Roles, Organizational Unit (Teams).
When you click on the save button an email will be set to the new user in order for them to access their account.
Modify a User
As the account admin you can modify any users in your account. Clicking on the Actions button displays a list of actions you can perform on a user.
Login as User, Edit User, Permissions, Unlock, Delete.
Admin user can not be deleted as a business rule. If you don't want to use admin, just make it inactive.
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